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Importance of Switch Words in our lives


What’s the specialty of switch words? The same switch word which can heal a life situation can be used to heal the physical problem also.

Why Switch Words are so important?

There are millions of words in English. Switch words are so special in the nature because these words represent the Universal Symbols.

What are switch words anyway?

Our sub-conscious mind responds only to pictures and symbols. We discussed it during the Power Life Symbols class.

The moment a word is said, a picture is formed in the mind. If that word is representative of the universal symbols then that word becomes a switch word.

That’s why certain words only become switch words.

Whichever word forms a picture in the subconscious mind and gets an immediate response from it, is called a switch word. That’s why I say, every switch word has its own consciousness.

The word that has elevated consciousness in our world is called switch words.

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Why Switch Words are effective:

How to use Switch Words:

Experimenting with Switch Words:

Bring miracle into your life


To have miracles in life, “BRING PRAISE DIVINE”

Everybody needs not just solutions for physical problems, but need them for life and mind too. So I am suggesting you this.

This combination will manifest miracles.

When miracles happen, we will be praising isn’t it?

When nothing happens to you, you will have resentment, anger and will be criticizing others.

Instead of criticizing, when you chant PRAISE, the switch word tells your mind, ‘Stop being critical and wait for the miracle to happen’.

You can keep on saying these switch words without specifying what miracle you want.

Explanation from the Mind-Body Mystified II Manual

BRING: Manifest; Create; generate; attract; cause

DIVINE: Miraculously

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How to attract each other?

Same character exhibited differently

Same poles repel each other.

If A is resisting B, or fighting, or in discord with B then we always say that both are opposite poles.


It is false. The truth is they are the same poles. That is why they repel each other.

A is actively resisting B, while B is passively resisting.

One’s resistance is outward. The other’s resistance is inward – mental.

Mentally both are in the same poles. Repulsion is a state of mind, by which both don’t know why they are against each other.

Normally we sympathize with B, thinking that B is a victim and A is the persecutor.

They are mentally in the same state or resistance, and both of them are doing it without their knowing.

Take the opposite stance

One has to shift their stance and be in the opposite pole to attract him.

Who has to do that? It is the one who wants peace and harmony. When B wants harmony, he has to understand that,

The opposite pole of ANGER is FORGIVENESS.

The opposite pole of CRITICISM is PRAISE.

The opposite pole of RESISTANCE is ADJUST.

The opposite pole of PRIDE is THANKS (love).

The opposite pole of ARROGANCE is HUMILITY.

How to achieve the mental state for harmony?


The mental state of thanks and forgiveness is the only way to be in the opposite pole to have harmony with the other person.There is no other route.

Keep the different parts of the mind TOGETHER and chant “TOGETHER BOW CONCEDE ADJUST PRAISE FORGIVE THANKS”.

Additionally, write “TOGETHER OIL HELP HOLE” to overcome the repulsion (OIL removes friction, while HOLE attracts).

When a person is resisting you…

If you watch your thoughts on a daily basis, you will understand that your thoughts – your mental state – are against the person who is disharmonious with you.

Every thought against the person, keeps you in the same plane – same pole – and you will never achieve what you want as long as you are in this state.

Regular introspection will help you find this.

When there is a stream of thoughts bombarding, counter them or stop the flow with “TOGETHER BOW CONCEDE ADJUST PRAISE FORGIVE THANKS”.

Once you decided to be in the opposite pole, you need not pathetically look for a change in the opposite person.

When change happens within you, when you have shifted yourself to the opposite pole 100%, then he will change (automatically). Till such time, he will keep on reminding you that you are in the same pole as he is.

Life is fundamentally management of Mind. It gives us lessons always.

The Power Life Symbol LOVE (66) will direct your state of mind towards a state of LOVE.

Be Level-headed

Read the blog, “Inside disturbance = Outside disturbance”

Whatever is happening outside, you should not bring it inside

You should observe your mind as a third person. How to do that?

Let us say, you are going to meet a person for an important matter.

Let us assume that the scheduled meeting is at 4.30 pm.

What will you do between 3.30 and 4.30 pm?

Whatever you want to discuss in the meeting, will get repeated in your mind –“I should do this; I should not say that” and so on.

However, at the meeting you will be simply become blank if you are not prepared for the meeting.

Interestingly, whether you get yourself prepared or not prepared, the result will be the same.

At 5.30 pm you will come out of the meeting.

After coming out, you will be thinking about the meeting that took place between 4.30 t0 5.30 p.m. You don’t do this too.

The principle is, whatever is outside do not bring it inside and whatever is inside do not take it outside.

What do you mean by “Whatever is inside do not take it outside”?

Whatever you have inside you have no control. If any two persons are quarrelling, we also get angry.

You observe simply whatever is happening outside. After a few seconds it will go off (from the mind).

When you are angry, you are holding on to that anger and that is why it is staying with you. We must learn how to observe that too.

Instead of observing if we react then it becomes our karma

Everything is the drama of the mind.

We have understood everything wrongly. There is nothing called as external factors.

We have to go inside our mind. With your own mind you are entering into the others’ territory.

We have to try to do these. For that the switch words TOGETHER DIVINE will work.

You will become level-headed

When you keep on chanting TOGETHER DIVINE, you will be balanced and level-headed.

Then only the mind will be under our control.

Why the mind is not in control?

One part of the mind wants to be in harmony and other part of the mind wants to be in conflict.

If you go to a movie we want everything in that movie like love, comedy, action etc.

Whatever you except in the movie you except the same in life also. But unfortunately when we want comedy we get tragedy, when we want harmony we will get violence and so on.

We have to change it. We have to change our present life completely in the opposite direction. That alone will do us good.

Now, start chanting TOGETHER DIVINE for 10 minutes.

Find a Life of Fulfillment

The affirmation that is needed by those who have a hectic life and who seek calm, peace and joy is: “QUIET MIND, OPEN HEART, RELAX”.

Say it in the order mentioned, continuously, for at least 10 minutes a day.

What happens when we do so?

These keywords act like command words to our sub-conscious mind.

When we are not relaxed, our mind will not be quiet and an open heart will not be present. Why both the quiet mind and open heart is required.

A quiet mind – what it does?

To quote from the Bach Flower Meditation CD, a prayer, “White Chestnut, release all the unwanted thoughts that go round and round within. Give us a calm and quiet mind. When I am at peace within solution dawns. Guide me White chestnut to follow this message”.

An open heart – what it does?

Open heart will help us to link with cosmic memory.

We usually live with our evolutionary memory – derived from our parents and ancestors. This memory belongs to lower-level consciousness.

From one of Naran’s lectures, a quote, “Unless our heart is opened, we can’t feel complete and whole”.

What happens when we chant the affirmation

Out throat chakra is opened by the expression, “Quiet mind”, Heart chakra by “Open heart” and the Hara chakra by the keyword, “Relax”.

When the mind is quiet, (it remains without any expectation) manifestation becomes easier. In addition, a quiet mind allows us to surrender.

When the heart chakra is open, we are ready to give what we receive. The attitude of giving helps us to receive in abundance.

To have a life of fulfillment, chant “QUIET MIND, OPEN HEART, RELAX”.

My mind is not stable even for 10 minutes


I was doing EFT but found it difficult in public and sometimes not working.

I asked the Universe to give me some easier solutions to my problems and I came through this website.

I get uncontrollable negative thoughts all throughout the day, either of the past or future and can never stay in the present.

I get unwanted thoughts about people, situations, and circumstances of the past or future.

If any new thing I have to do in the next moment, then I view it negatively first.

It is hard to believe but I get around a 100 thoughts per minute.


Chant the switch words, “CONCEDE CLEAR CANCEL DIVINE ON”


Concede Clear Cancel: to remove (CLEAR) the mental debris (unwanted stuff). This is good especially before going to sleep as it clears the mind from all worries (CANCEL). It happens when you surrender (CONCEDE)

On: to move on with life with the help of DIVINE (to find a bit of luck and help)

Resolving conflict with your spouse


I’m writing this for the benefit of all who follow or about to enter the world of switch words….

I and my husband had a bad argument just yesterday and we parted ways with ego, none wanting to say sorry or accept our faults. It was bitter and hurtful. I’m sure it is same for him as well!

Soon after he left home, I simply started chanting TOGETHER DIVINE for my peace of mind, nothing else occurred to me at that point of time…..

By afternoon, I just picked up my phone, called up my hubby and pleaded sorry and suggested to make up. Divinity has its ways. We both apologized to each other and made up.

It was totally not expected because our fight and arguments were severe. It amazes me how chanting Together Divine changed my mind and his too!!! I still can’t believe that this could happen within hours of chanting. We had a wonderful evening hence…

It’s amazing how powerful these words can be…….!!!!

What made me call my hubby up despite my ego, what changed or directed my mind towards my highest good……it’s magical….TOGETHER DIVINE…..?

Thank you Naran!!!!


There is always a conflict between the separated self (our ego self) and the evolving self (original self).

This original self always wants to give love to evolve. For the evolving self, there are only two states – forgiveness to love, and gratitude.

For the ego self, its own survival is important. In other words the ego can survive if only it projects anger, vengeance and what not.

That is why it will not allow the evolving self to operate.

Switch words bypass the ego self and activate the evolving self.

Why does it not happen always?

It is because of the resistance of the concerned person to accept everyone as he is.

Influence the Sub-conscious Mind – The Creator of Our Lives

The sub-conscious mind creates, while the conscious mind thinks otherwise

The mind is composed of various parts, where each and every part acts simultaneously. 

The lower mind or conscious mind is the store house of all our learning – acquired, as we had inherited it from our parents, ancestors and society we live in. 

It is the outer self which thinks that one is separate from others. 

It always looks outside, seeks outside, and searches outside for gratification, without understanding that it is the deeper inner self which manifests everything – every person, every event, and every situation in our life.

The outer mind never believes the presence of inner mind, which is manifesting everything in our life.

Conscious mind is the tool of the sub-conscious mind

The conscious mind believes that everything is created outside.  It waits for other people to help. 

But, the truth is our inner mind creates, carries out (all actions) and is the doer. The outer mind is only a tool in the hands of the inner mind.

But the outer mind believes that it is the doer. However, the doer is inside – inside the outer self.

Switch words or Mantras are the words directed towards the Doer inside. They are prayers to the deeper inner self to do what is required.

We need the consent of the sub-conscious mind to make things happen

If the inner self is not doing anything, no one outside can do anything for you.

Pray and chant more till it is moved.  Unless it decides or it is made to decide, nothing can manifest outside!!!

You can do praying or chanting only.  Do that as many times as possible.

You cannot create any result.  Pray, wait till it manifests. Till such time, concentrate on the work on hand.

The deeper self is the doer. 

The outer self is the tool for the inner self.  As any tool does the work only, you too have to carry out the work outside. 

The deeper self is known as Sub-conscious mind or Guru/ God/ Nature/ Sakthi/ Shiva.

When the outer self submits to the inner self, it is called Kundalini.

How can you make your sub-conscious mind listen to you?

If you want your subconscious mind to listen to your prayers or request, you have to speak its language, the language that is known to it.

Switch words and mantras are the only means of communication by which you can influence the subconscious mind. Other than that, it can understand pictures.

CHANGE for a Better Offer

Niru, July 24

I want to change my job in the same company that I am presently working.

These days, my desperation is for changing the department but not the organization is increasing a lot.

Naran, July 27


Niru, August 29

As told by you I am chanting “Change Divine Order” as many times as possible and also writing “MIMULUS, LARCH” 51 times in a notebook (honestly speaking not every day).

I got an offer from another department yesterday. The HR formalities are still pending. I am praying everything should go smoothly and I should do extremely well in the new position.

One thing I noticed after I started writing Mimulus and Larch in the notebook is that I have become more peaceful.

Instead of worrying about what will happen to my future continuously now, whenever such thought comes to my mind I immediately tell myself ‘There is a divine force that will take me in the right direction’. The only thing I need to do is keep faith and keep chanting and believe in God.

Thank you for giving me this peace of mind.

Naran, August 31

Continue writing.


Niru, September 20

I am glad to inform you that I got a job in another department in the same company. I am chanting as told by you and writing as well.

Now my aim is to do extremely well in my new role and grow in position.

I also need the strength to take care of my aged parents and my daughter. Please let me know what I should chant for continuous peace of mind and prosperity in life.

Thanks you for your guidance without which I would not have had peace at all.




Change, Divine Order and Together are switch words, while Mimulus, Larch, Elm, Oak and Olive are Bach Flower remedies

Change Divine Order: to change the situation to divine order

Larch: for low self-confidence and develop an ‘I CAN’ attitude.

Mimulus: fear of future about job

Together: to bring all the forces inside us to achieve our objective.

Elm, Oak and Olive: will provide both mental strength with smartness (required in office) and physical strength (to handle parents and daughter).