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Customers will swarm to you like bees


I am not getting sales. I have lots of stock since years. I want to get rid of them for a reasonable price. Please suggest switch words for selling all my old stock and find buyers. They come to me for enquiry. Mostly they will say they will come back but never do.

Thanks for helping us change our lives.



Scheme to sell


My boss wants to sell factory in India as early as possible. Please suggest some Mantra.





Have a higher (better perspective): CLIMB

Work TOGETHER and FIND the best SCHEME – plan, to sell – GIVE

Work will be done smoothly


I am working in airline operations. Which magic word I should chant for smooth operations with no issues?



Got a Buyer for My Residential Plot

Mr. PS

I was planning to sell my sons residential plots for quite some time. But was not getting any buyer.

After reading Naran’s blog I started chanting “STAR OF BETHLEHEM FIND DIVINE BUYER COUNT NOW DONE” since Monday frequently.

I am happy to say that today I have finalised the deal.

This is again miraculous for me.


STAR OF BETHLEHEM: is a Bach Flower Remedy prescribed to get a break – say a break in job situation for example.

Find, Divine, Count, Now and Done are Switch words. Buyer is the objective and not a switch word.

Power Your Life with Switch Words


I wanted to narrate an interesting episode regarding switch words. There was renovation going on at home and I was using switch words and Mantras with great results.

I was talking about this to a friend who immediately mentioned that he has a problem. He said that he had an agreement with a builder to build some apartments in his land. The construction was completed and he moved in to one of the apartments.

However, there was an additional room, which was to be used as a boutique by his wife. This room was also completed, but for 7 months they were unable to utilise the room as the electricity department had not given the required clearance. The officials were citing the deviation in the original plan as the reason.

They had been really running from pillar to post but they were unable to get the connection even after paying additional money as bribes. Going by how Naran S Balakumar uses switch words I asked him to chant, “FIND DIVINE ELECTRICITY NOW ON”, assuming his wife may not really want to chant.

After this conversation, I was very busy with some work and I completely forgot about this whole episode. An hour later, I saw four missed calls from my friend whom I had spoken to earlier.

I called him and he sounded very excited and said that after I had given the switch words to chant, he had called his wife and asked her to chant the same. Within 20 minutes of chanting there was a call on the landline. It was from the electricity dept!!!!

The officials said that everything was cleared and that they would give the connection the following day. The next day the connection was given.

My friend is still unable to stop talking about it!!!!!!


Find: to find the solution

Divine: by luck or chance

Electricity: is not a switch word, but the objective

Now: when it has to be done? It has to be done now.

On: Not to get stuck up in the unwanted situation and move on.


Problem is like an Onion, Peel off one layer at a time


I am 40 yrs now and lost a job all of sudden first time in a successful career of 20 years. not able to get the job for last 3 months, seek your help and get the job.




Star of Bethlehem and Rock Rose are Bach Flower Remedies. STAR OF BETHLEHEM: to have a break through, ROCK ROSE: persevere with a great deal of endurance, and “FIND DIVINE ORDER COUNT NOW DONE”: switch words to get a job

Uday (after two weeks)

I started the chanting. With god grace and your valuable input, got 3 calls and 1 discussion at advance stage. Should I continue with same words or else.


This is how one should approach for a solution to any problem. Feed back is necessary. One suggestion is given. It is not the end. The healing is something similar to peeling of onion layers. Here the mind is to be peeled off, one by one.  When the obstructing layer is peeled off, solution is born. Since we do not know which the obstructing layer is, we have to peel one by one.

Now chant during the interview “WATER VIOLET, LARCH, GENTIAN, WILD ROSE, MIMULUS”.


Water Violet, Larch, Gentian, Wild Rose and Mimulus are Bach Flower Remedies. “WATER VIOLET, LARCH, GENTIAN, WILD ROSE”: the Bach Flower combination to attend an interview and MIMULUS: to handle fear of interview.

Uday (after 3 more days)

Dear Naranji, thank you for the input and I followed the same. In one of the opportunity where I am shortlisted, but they are offering salary 50% of my last drawn. Another one which was live now closed as they have done internal transfer. What should I do to get one job as opportunities are just coming and going away?


Chant “GENTIAN, SCLERANTHUS, CHANGE DIVINE ORDER” 100 times over a glass of water and drink it.

Uday (after 5 more days)

Naran you are amazing. I got a call on Sat after I started chanting Change divine order. Today I had a successful interview and expecting final round of discussion within next 2 days. I need your help to make this interview happen, offer to get closed before this weekend.



Uday (after 4 weeks in total)

Finally I got an offer matching my financial needs and of my experience. Thank you so much for your kind help for no reason. Pls suggest chant for successful joining and completion of probation period of 6 months


Chant “WATERVIOLET (to have an ego-less boss), WALNUT (to adjust easily to the new office environment, to overcome any prejudice), HOLLY (to be treated well), MIMULUS (for a friendly atmosphere)” during your probation.

My husband has changed his behavior

Switch words “TOGETHER DIVINE” have worked out a better situation than the past that I had undergone. I used to chant them a minimum of 200 times and above that whenever I feel like.

My husband has changed his behavior.

In fact, to be more precise, my mental state has changed. I answer him patiently and calmly.

And he even understands the situations and behaves himself in a better way. I also got an appreciation of words on a weekend. Anyways, I am continuing to do so.

The only things that has not changed his alcohol intake. Though it has reduced his intake to a limit, but I am not sure.

Once again thanks for all your divine support.


Chanting and healing is not done to change others and control others.

What is the meaning of TOGETHER DIVINE? Let all parts of my mind unite with the Divine so that I become a silent observer of what is happening around me.

The more divinity fills up one’s consciousness, one changes mentally and one’s outlook changes too. One look from a higher perception and understand that every event is happening as per the divine order; every person in our life is as per the divine will; when Divine love changes me totally, the other person changes totally too.

Love can make Life. Judgment and expectation break life.

Best of luck

Single, 40F, Looking for a Partner

Ms. A

I am almost 40 years female and still unmarried. Please also tell me how to find the life partner of my choice within a month and get married as soon as possible.


  2. Place your one palm at the forehead and other palm at the back of head and say ‘OM’ seven times.
  3. Then say the following statement 3 times, “Cut the neural path to the cell memory images of being single. Find neural path to the cell memory images of love, light and marriage”.
  4. Then chant OM 7 times.
  5. Repeat the same by keeping your hands on the throat – one palm at the front and other palm at the back of the throat.


What is our memory? It is nothing but Visual and auditory. There are no words.

A reaction happens within seconds to any event. Our brain and nervous system form neural link to these images.

 The emotional reaction of anger comes out after the neural path links to the images of anger that was stored in our cells.

Each cell can carry the entire history of one including that of his parents’, ancestors etc. The retrieval takes one millionth of a second, because of the neural path.

Who is the commander behind this retrieval images? Hypothalamus (in the back of the head) is the commander. When we change the command, the hypothalamus follows ours and accordingly changes the command.

An Incredible Story!!!


I have been doing quite well at my job over the past few years. In my opinion, continually doing my best to complete what is asked of me in a timely fashion.

Earlier this year a new boss entered the company. A few months ago, I was assigned to work with him. Much to my dismay the new boss gave me several assignments to do complete all at once and over a period of weeks continuously complained that I was not fast enough and that the team members I was working with were not good at their job. I consider them experts in their field and relied on them heavily.

The boss was generally very negative and working with him dramatically altered my mood. As time went on I started to hear from some of my other managers of his complaints and worried about what they would think about me.  Previously, I had been very highly regarded.

Interestingly, enough his demanding unreasonable ways are not what pushed me to seek help but rather his critical perspective which I found intolerable. Not knowing what to do, I started chanting DIVINE ORDER on my own.

There was some improvement and I started to get more support from my managers. For the most part though, nothing was done about my growing workload. I tried to bear it as best as I could.

Meanwhile the threat of the new boss talking to others behind my back was causing me some serious anxiety. I realized through Naran that I could also chant PRAISE. I want to note that at first things got a little bit worse – several high pressured deadlines etc.

I reached out to Naran again since I didn’t know what else to do…I had tried to accommodate incredibly tight deadlines and it seemed nothing would make this man happy. Naran told me to chant CENTAURY HOLLY PINE. I also added WILLOW based on some advice Naran had previously given me for home related issues.

The pressure came down quite quickly after that! I also noticed that I began to receive PRAISE from so many other places at my job. My other managers even met with me to let me know they realize the situation that I am in and offered to help me manage the intense workload in whatever way they could.

It’s hard to explain how dramatic of a turn around this was.

Also – and best of all there is some distance between my unreasonable boss and myself. He has assigned less and started to appreciate some of the work I have done for him in the past. I have also realized I need to be more compassionate towards him since he was obviously dealing with some stressors which may have caused him to behave this way.

In general I am WAY more relaxed at work which is good for all parties involved.

The chanting provides a mental/emotional shift which changes how you feel about people, situations and things.

Somehow the situation changes for the better. I learned through this situation that there was a pattern on my part regarding a hyper sensitivity to criticism. Instead, of hating him, I can thank my boss for helping me improve myself.  Incredible!!!


Our past is repeated, until we learn our lessons.

DIVINE ORDER: Switch word to turn a situation from Chaos to Normalcy.

PRAISE: A switch word that will make you praised by others.

Centaury, Holly, Pine and Willow are Bach Flower Remedies.

CENTAURY: If you are unable to say no

 HOLLY: To bring down intense rage/anger

PINE: from feeling low to feel good about oneself.

WILLOW: to bring down the resentment and blaming tendency.