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Influence the Sub-conscious Mind – The Creator of Our Lives

The sub-conscious mind creates, while the conscious mind thinks otherwise

The mind is composed of various parts, where each and every part acts simultaneously. 

The lower mind or conscious mind is the store house of all our learning – acquired, as we had inherited it from our parents, ancestors and society we live in. 

It is the outer self which thinks that one is separate from others. 

It always looks outside, seeks outside, and searches outside for gratification, without understanding that it is the deeper inner self which manifests everything – every person, every event, and every situation in our life.

The outer mind never believes the presence of inner mind, which is manifesting everything in our life.

Conscious mind is the tool of the sub-conscious mind

The conscious mind believes that everything is created outside.  It waits for other people to help. 

But, the truth is our inner mind creates, carries out (all actions) and is the doer. The outer mind is only a tool in the hands of the inner mind.

But the outer mind believes that it is the doer. However, the doer is inside – inside the outer self.

Switch words or Mantras are the words directed towards the Doer inside. They are prayers to the deeper inner self to do what is required.

We need the consent of the sub-conscious mind to make things happen

If the inner self is not doing anything, no one outside can do anything for you.

Pray and chant more till it is moved.  Unless it decides or it is made to decide, nothing can manifest outside!!!

You can do praying or chanting only.  Do that as many times as possible.

You cannot create any result.  Pray, wait till it manifests. Till such time, concentrate on the work on hand.

The deeper self is the doer. 

The outer self is the tool for the inner self.  As any tool does the work only, you too have to carry out the work outside. 

The deeper self is known as Sub-conscious mind or Guru/ God/ Nature/ Sakthi/ Shiva.

When the outer self submits to the inner self, it is called Kundalini.

How can you make your sub-conscious mind listen to you?

If you want your subconscious mind to listen to your prayers or request, you have to speak its language, the language that is known to it.

Switch words and mantras are the only means of communication by which you can influence the subconscious mind. Other than that, it can understand pictures.

Single, 40F, Looking for a Partner

Ms. A

I am almost 40 years female and still unmarried. Please also tell me how to find the life partner of my choice within a month and get married as soon as possible.


  2. Place your one palm at the forehead and other palm at the back of head and say ‘OM’ seven times.
  3. Then say the following statement 3 times, “Cut the neural path to the cell memory images of being single. Find neural path to the cell memory images of love, light and marriage”.
  4. Then chant OM 7 times.
  5. Repeat the same by keeping your hands on the throat – one palm at the front and other palm at the back of the throat.


What is our memory? It is nothing but Visual and auditory. There are no words.

A reaction happens within seconds to any event. Our brain and nervous system form neural link to these images.

 The emotional reaction of anger comes out after the neural path links to the images of anger that was stored in our cells.

Each cell can carry the entire history of one including that of his parents’, ancestors etc. The retrieval takes one millionth of a second, because of the neural path.

Who is the commander behind this retrieval images? Hypothalamus (in the back of the head) is the commander. When we change the command, the hypothalamus follows ours and accordingly changes the command.