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Find a Life of Fulfillment

The affirmation that is needed by those who have a hectic life and who seek calm, peace and joy is: “QUIET MIND, OPEN HEART, RELAX”.

Say it in the order mentioned, continuously, for at least 10 minutes a day.

What happens when we do so?

These keywords act like command words to our sub-conscious mind.

When we are not relaxed, our mind will not be quiet and an open heart will not be present. Why both the quiet mind and open heart is required.

A quiet mind – what it does?

To quote from the Bach Flower Meditation CD, a prayer, “White Chestnut, release all the unwanted thoughts that go round and round within. Give us a calm and quiet mind. When I am at peace within solution dawns. Guide me White chestnut to follow this message”.

An open heart – what it does?

Open heart will help us to link with cosmic memory.

We usually live with our evolutionary memory – derived from our parents and ancestors. This memory belongs to lower-level consciousness.

From one of Naran’s lectures, a quote, “Unless our heart is opened, we can’t feel complete and whole”.

What happens when we chant the affirmation

Out throat chakra is opened by the expression, “Quiet mind”, Heart chakra by “Open heart” and the Hara chakra by the keyword, “Relax”.

When the mind is quiet, (it remains without any expectation) manifestation becomes easier. In addition, a quiet mind allows us to surrender.

When the heart chakra is open, we are ready to give what we receive. The attitude of giving helps us to receive in abundance.

To have a life of fulfillment, chant “QUIET MIND, OPEN HEART, RELAX”.

Your body loves these words

The main advantage of TOGETHER DIVINE is that all body organs like it. All the organs want these words to be chanted.

Body command centre

There is one more thing called “Body Command” inside the body. Under this command alone, all the organs of the body functions. Therefore, organs’ cooperation is very important. There should not be a mistimed in the body even for a single second. Everything should go on simultaneously. If it is mistimed then we are finished.

Co-operation of organs

If the heart says ‘I have forgotten to work’ and stops functioning for a while what will happen? No organ in the body can take rest even for a second. These organs will be functioning non-stop. All the organs are functioning cooperatively. The moment the cooperation is lost then some problem will be there.

Toning up your organs

TOGETHER is the mantra for toning up the organs. “Hey! Come on! All of you co-operate” – this is the command, TOGETHER gives to the organs. It is the sub-conscious mind which has built up the body. TOGETHER calls up all the organs and commands “Be in cooperation, don’t be in conflict”.

So if you want to be healthy daily you have to chant minimum of one Lakh times TOGETHER DIVINE.  It is difficult to chant for one Lakh times, so I have decided to make a CD which will repeat the words one Lakh times within half an hour. What will happen particularly if we chant TOGETHER DIVINE? That we cannot tell. It depends on each person. If all organs are in cooperation with each other, then that is enough.

Don’t be influenced by others

We need to look at other things like what these words do to us. If one person is under fear, the goal is to understand that and heal him. The same type of fear you may also get. So TOGETHER DIVINE has to be chanted more number of times. You are not supposed to feel the emotions of other person. This is very important. If we do that, then we will be creating nothing but rubbish for ourselves.

What we have to do is when you feel that you are getting the emotions of other person then you have to take the Bach flower remedy CENTAURY. Centaury is influenced by other person’s emotions. His energy field is always open. So you take Centaury and do chanting. Centaury’s message to you is “Do not keep your aura open”.

Be happy! Be Wealthy!

With the help of Abundance CD…

The Abundance Program aims to achieve the following:

1. To free from any financial worries

2. To earn money easily

3. To have constant inflow of money

4. In addition, to be happy

In the CD, a new technique is incorporated. Switch words meant for money is used in the CD, in a supraliminal way. You cannot hear them. Therefore, the words bypass the conscious mind easily and bombard the subconscious mind. You will only hear the music and not the words, which are played for more than 20,000 times subliminally. Every 12 minutes, Lakshmi mantras are played too.

You can play the CD with or without the headphone.

The Abundance CD is available in the Bach Flower Centre.

You can either listen to the CD using Head Phones or play it on a stereo player.

Case History

Here, Hema shares her experiences using the Abundance CD.

I bought this CD during the workshop in Raj Bhavan, 2010. Though, I did not listen to it for quite sometime.

A Golden Opportunity

Sandeep, my husband, had an enquiry from some buyer about the flats he was trying to sell on behalf of his relatives. He was so depressed one day and told me that it is not happening.

So, I wanted to use this opportunity to test whether the Abundance CD works J Therefore, I played the CD when we went to sleep. Sandeep used to get very irritated whenever I play meditation CDs, as it would be time to go to sleep then. Often he claims that it is a great disturbance to him.

Suddenly after 3 days he asked me about the Gold business that my friend Rajam was doing on commodities. I didn’t know the details. Therefore, he himself called her and asked her about it. The CD was playing, when he was asking her this info. He got all the details from her and then called the broker to ask for more info.

I continued to play the CD in the house. Though, I had stopped playing it now. However, he would start playing it as soon as he gets up, without knowing the purpose of it.

Then, he got all the details he wanted. He told me within a day that he had actually saved about 30,000 rupees. I least expected this. He always goes bankrupt every month, but I don’t know how he managed to save this money.

Received his dues unexpectedly

He also told me that he had spoken to his friend who owes him 75000 for almost 4 years now. He promised to return 30000. I didn’t believe this. However, that money also got credited yesterday and my husband wants to use it for his business.

He was promised that he would get the PF amount also within this week which was pending for more than 6 months now.

All these are happening is a miracle!

In addition, I received a bonus to top it up 

From my side, I also got my retention bonus, which I had not expected. I had to sign a bond for it, which is a different story 🙂

Donors don’t run away from me either

This CD works to such an extent that I am collecting money to donate to an orphanage institution and money is pouring in like wonders. I had expected Rs. 20,000, while already I have received 45,000 as donations.

All I can say is a BIG THANKS to You

Dear Naran, I had troubled you in many ways but you had kept up your calm and always blessed Sandeep and me — right from my marriage till date. I am sure Baba would have sent me to you.

– Hema