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Hair growth and fall


I am 24 years old male from Punjab. My problem is that from past few years I am suffering from excessive body hair and also hair fall from head.



Explanation from the Mind-Body Mystified II Manual

ADJUST: Create balance; handle unpleasant; difficult situations well; balance between the letting go and retaining

BUBBLE: Expand


Scared to take the exam

Geetha K L

I am working in a company and our company conducts tests and we need to clear the same which will be considered for the appraisal/promotion. There will be 3 attempts per year.

I am not able to clear in 3 attempts also in the previous year. This year I have got to clear it. Already I have taken 1st attempt and couldn’t clear.

There are 2 more attempts left. I am really frustrated.

You had told me to chant “ELM TOGETHER”. Will it be enough? I am scared to take exam thinking if I will again fail.


Doubts can spoil all our attempts. It is faith and faith alone that carries us forward.

Geetha K L

Thanks a lot for your advice.

I took today online exam and cleared. I chanted “ELM TOGETHER” daily and also wrote 100 times in book 4-5 days before exam.

I am really feeling very confident now.


Together:  the switch word to nullify the internal resistance to pass the exam

Elm: the Bach Flower remedy to handle the task, which we consider too big and difficult to accomplish

My mind is not stable even for 10 minutes


I was doing EFT but found it difficult in public and sometimes not working.

I asked the Universe to give me some easier solutions to my problems and I came through this website.

I get uncontrollable negative thoughts all throughout the day, either of the past or future and can never stay in the present.

I get unwanted thoughts about people, situations, and circumstances of the past or future.

If any new thing I have to do in the next moment, then I view it negatively first.

It is hard to believe but I get around a 100 thoughts per minute.


Chant the switch words, “CONCEDE CLEAR CANCEL DIVINE ON”


Concede Clear Cancel: to remove (CLEAR) the mental debris (unwanted stuff). This is good especially before going to sleep as it clears the mind from all worries (CANCEL). It happens when you surrender (CONCEDE)

On: to move on with life with the help of DIVINE (to find a bit of luck and help)

Centre for Harmony


CENTRE means nucleus. It also means the seed. What is a seed? Seed means the beginning of everything, the beginning of the problem, the beginning of a feeling and so on. For whatever the condition we are in, what is the beginning? The switch word CENTRE will bring that out for you.

Child bearing

Seed means child – everything comes from an embryo. For child-bearing chant TOGETHER CLEAR CENTRE DIVINE CHILD. This has to be chanted by the person who wants to have a child – both husband and wife.


Nucleus means gene. What is a gene? Your life path is enclosed in genes. To change this, CENTRE is the switch word. If you want anything to be changed from the beginning, from seed, from the gene, CENTRE is the switch word. You need not go for past life regression. When you feel the beginning of a problem then chant CENTRE. It will alter it.

Finding harmony with a person, you are in conflict with

 ‘A’ and I are quarrelling. Visualize A is on the left hand and yourself on the right hand.

Chant the switch words CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE LOVE, for a minimum 100 to 200 times. As you chant, bring the right hand closer to left hand slowly. Finally, both hands should meet (which should not happen before you finish chanting). Immediately harmony will be established between both of you.

When the hands come closer to each other, and if you find it difficult to merge both the hands, at that time chant CENTRE many times and finally it will merge.

Handling jealousy

If there is jealousy, same method should be followed. Jealousy is lack of love, so he is acting differently. So we have a technique now and we can handle that.

Whoever has more techniques, he will have more problems. All healers will have maximum number of techniques and therefore they will have maximum number of complaints/problems 🙂

Your body loves these words

The main advantage of TOGETHER DIVINE is that all body organs like it. All the organs want these words to be chanted.

Body command centre

There is one more thing called “Body Command” inside the body. Under this command alone, all the organs of the body functions. Therefore, organs’ cooperation is very important. There should not be a mistimed in the body even for a single second. Everything should go on simultaneously. If it is mistimed then we are finished.

Co-operation of organs

If the heart says ‘I have forgotten to work’ and stops functioning for a while what will happen? No organ in the body can take rest even for a second. These organs will be functioning non-stop. All the organs are functioning cooperatively. The moment the cooperation is lost then some problem will be there.

Toning up your organs

TOGETHER is the mantra for toning up the organs. “Hey! Come on! All of you co-operate” – this is the command, TOGETHER gives to the organs. It is the sub-conscious mind which has built up the body. TOGETHER calls up all the organs and commands “Be in cooperation, don’t be in conflict”.

So if you want to be healthy daily you have to chant minimum of one Lakh times TOGETHER DIVINE.  It is difficult to chant for one Lakh times, so I have decided to make a CD which will repeat the words one Lakh times within half an hour. What will happen particularly if we chant TOGETHER DIVINE? That we cannot tell. It depends on each person. If all organs are in cooperation with each other, then that is enough.

Don’t be influenced by others

We need to look at other things like what these words do to us. If one person is under fear, the goal is to understand that and heal him. The same type of fear you may also get. So TOGETHER DIVINE has to be chanted more number of times. You are not supposed to feel the emotions of other person. This is very important. If we do that, then we will be creating nothing but rubbish for ourselves.

What we have to do is when you feel that you are getting the emotions of other person then you have to take the Bach flower remedy CENTAURY. Centaury is influenced by other person’s emotions. His energy field is always open. So you take Centaury and do chanting. Centaury’s message to you is “Do not keep your aura open”.

Why Switch Words are Effective

There are different meanings for words in Greek and Latin

Most of the English words were derived from Greek and Latin. So while using switch words, whatever meaning is there in Greek and Latin is taken. Therefore we have to ask, for example, “The word – Divine Order – where it is coming from?” 

However there is a common meaning for the word in different languages

Greek and Latin are the common origin for other European languages also. A word is used in French, and when the same word is used in different communities, by different people or in different countries, all of them will have a common meaning. That we have to find out – how French use this word, how German uses this word, and so on. We will find more common trends then.

Identify the common trend and thus the meaning and purpose behind a switch word

How do these common trends work? These words have been used for many centuries by lakhs and lakhs of people. Once they use them, they go into our sub-conscious minds.

How do these common trends work? These words have been used for many centuries by lakhs and lakhs of people. Once they use it, it goes into our sub-consciousness minds.

How the switch words could influence our subconscious mind so much?

Sometimes we need not go into finding the spelling of the word. For example, “FIND” – we are able to write it, isn’t it? The first time when we wrote it, like when we were studying first or second standard, it was very difficult in writing the spelling of FIND. Now we write the word very easily. That means that word has gone deeper into the mind.

Like that, when the words go into the minds of millions of people, some words gain more importance. Those types of words are switch words.

In this world there is only one subconscious mind

It is a command word for subconscious mind. At the subconscious mind level there is no individuality. There is only one full of mind and that is the subconscious mind. So there is no difference between you and him. The switch words are a command for you and for the other person also.

Our conscious mind obeys like a dog

You need not visualize anything while chanting switch words. These words do not require visualization. It will go inside and bring all the meanings of the words. It goes and activates the sub-conscious mind as they are command words.

Our conscious mind is like a dog. We love dogs because they listen to us and do whatever we say. If we are angry it still keeps coming to us and it understands our mood. So we love dogs. However, we do not like humans. 

The conscious mind is like a dog. Subconscious mind is the master. The conscious mind does not do anything about this switch word because it is only a dog. Only the subconscious mind is activated by chanting, which then gives direction to the conscious mind.

We don’t have a Free Will

All of us think that we have a free will. But there is no free will. Your directions from the subconscious mind are making you work. We all have the illusion that we have a free will. At a lower level of the mind there is always conflict. By chanting TOGETHER you will get higher perceptions (of life).

Find a New Switch Word

In addition, can we find out new switch words? Yes, we can. There is one switch word which will help you to find more switch words. I will tell you in person – that is off the record 🙂

From the book, “Switch Words, the English Mantras – Volume II” by Naran S Balakumar. To order for the book, please click the link: