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Find a Life of Fulfillment

The affirmation that is needed by those who have a hectic life and who seek calm, peace and joy is: “QUIET MIND, OPEN HEART, RELAX”.

Say it in the order mentioned, continuously, for at least 10 minutes a day.

What happens when we do so?

These keywords act like command words to our sub-conscious mind.

When we are not relaxed, our mind will not be quiet and an open heart will not be present. Why both the quiet mind and open heart is required.

A quiet mind – what it does?

To quote from the Bach Flower Meditation CD, a prayer, “White Chestnut, release all the unwanted thoughts that go round and round within. Give us a calm and quiet mind. When I am at peace within solution dawns. Guide me White chestnut to follow this message”.

An open heart – what it does?

Open heart will help us to link with cosmic memory.

We usually live with our evolutionary memory – derived from our parents and ancestors. This memory belongs to lower-level consciousness.

From one of Naran’s lectures, a quote, “Unless our heart is opened, we can’t feel complete and whole”.

What happens when we chant the affirmation

Out throat chakra is opened by the expression, “Quiet mind”, Heart chakra by “Open heart” and the Hara chakra by the keyword, “Relax”.

When the mind is quiet, (it remains without any expectation) manifestation becomes easier. In addition, a quiet mind allows us to surrender.

When the heart chakra is open, we are ready to give what we receive. The attitude of giving helps us to receive in abundance.

To have a life of fulfillment, chant “QUIET MIND, OPEN HEART, RELAX”.

My mind is not stable even for 10 minutes


I was doing EFT but found it difficult in public and sometimes not working.

I asked the Universe to give me some easier solutions to my problems and I came through this website.

I get uncontrollable negative thoughts all throughout the day, either of the past or future and can never stay in the present.

I get unwanted thoughts about people, situations, and circumstances of the past or future.

If any new thing I have to do in the next moment, then I view it negatively first.

It is hard to believe but I get around a 100 thoughts per minute.


Chant the switch words, “CONCEDE CLEAR CANCEL DIVINE ON”


Concede Clear Cancel: to remove (CLEAR) the mental debris (unwanted stuff). This is good especially before going to sleep as it clears the mind from all worries (CANCEL). It happens when you surrender (CONCEDE)

On: to move on with life with the help of DIVINE (to find a bit of luck and help)

Need a Worker


Can I use CONCEDE CLEAR DIVINE ORDER or CONCEDE CLEAR ON to get a home and office worker please?



(After a week)


Thanks Mr. Naran. I started to chant and in less than 2 hours I found a home worker.


Concede, Clear, Find and Divine are Switch Words.

Concede: Surrender to the situation. As soon as you surrender, you can find the solution for the problem.             

Clear: Clear the obstacles in front of you that stop you from finding the solution

Worker: the objective or goal. This is not a switch word.

Find: find the objective

Divine: by chance or luck

Find Your Life-Partner

To get a life-partner chant the switch words, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE PARTNER HOLE”.

HOLE means to attract, to pull. Wherever there is a hole we have inquisitiveness. HOLE will attract. When you go on chant HOLE, your attractive power will increase.

So what is happening when we chant the above switch words for a life partner? Let us see.

CONCEDE – I surrender,

CLEAR –let there be light,

CENTRE – on the seed of the problem,

FIND – winner, by chance, win the hands of the life partner,

DIVINE – miraculously,

PARTNER – is not a switch word but the goal or objective

HOLE – I increase my attractive power

Surrender to win the battle of life

From the book, “Switch Words, the English Mantras – Volume II”

The switch word CONCEDE has both the meanings of the switch words – TOGETHER and WITH (for communication). CONCEDE is to yield, to surrender, to stop arguing. If someone is arguing with you chant CONCEDE regularly.

CONCEDE is a Latin word. It is in use since 1630. The CON in concede means TOGETHER WITH. Other meanings for CONCEDE are to obey and confirm to – meaning obey my order or obey my instructions.

CONCEDE may be used to make the other person to be friendly with you. When there is separation between husband and wife, CONCEDE is the word. That means it will work to make the two persons to join.

Physically when there is a fracture, chant CONCEDE. You can also chant CONCEDE DIVINE ORDER then.

To get the clients – “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND COUNT DIVINE Clients Everyday”. You can do tapping (EFT) while chanting these words too. You will get better results.

For sales, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND COUNT DIVINE Sales 10 Lakhs” (fill in whatever amount you want).

For physical problems – keep the problem and name of the person on the left hand, and chant CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE CANCEL DIVINE BE NOW DONE. BE is for physical health.

If you feel lonely or isolated, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE CIRCULATE NOW ON”. Circulate removes loneliness.

To get wisdom – “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE Wisdom”. Wisdom is an abstract word (not a switch word).

Instead of gaining wisdom, let us say you want to know more about the god of your liking. So, CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE … Fill in the name of the god, like SHIVA/NARAYANA/LAKSHMI etc. We can know how the divine operates. The spiritual path is like a thick forest and without a guru you cannot proceed. So when you add DIVINE and the lord’s name, the right teacher will appear to you. If the right time has not come, it means you will not pursue that path. But one thing, the material aspect and divine aspect will never go together.

For cancer, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE CANCEL OLD Undead Cells FIND New Cells”. This has to be chanted daily many number times. By this you are giving the command to your own body.

When there is property disputes chant CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE.

For selling of land, or whatever you want to sell chant GIVE. TOGETHER GIVE COUNT NOW to sell the property. One more set of switch words is FIND DIVINE Buyer GIVE NOW.

CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE will work wonderfully. You can always chant them. At night, before going to bed, chant it. It solves many problems automatically. Your subconscious will know how to prioritize the problems, and then it solves problems. You will get good sleep also if you chant this.

Switch to Self-Care

Study CARE

CARE means to be careful. CARE will make the person study well, and observe well.

SLOW CARE is the switch word for children. You can make a big poster of SLOW CARE and paste it in the children’s room. Then he will study well. By this both concentration and memory will improve. CARE – will improve memory and SLOW – will improve concentration.

HOLD on to Good Behavior

For hyper active child, chant HOLD CONCEDE.  HOLD means restrict, and CONCEDE means surrender.

For children who do not listen to the parents, CONCEDE … (name of the child). HOLD also means going/moving in the right direction, orderliness in addition to restriction. So for such children, who do not listen to their parents, chant the name of child and say CONCEDE HOLD. If you want you can also add DIVINE to that combination (CONCEDE HOLD DIVINE).


To make a person moral, CONCEDE HOLD DIVINE CORAL. CORAL (gem stone) means moral. CORAL can be used as a switch word, meaning moral. If we use this word CORAL, the person will become 100% moral. No doubt about it. Even after doing this if that person does not become moral, let him not change. So, leave him alone.


Even for bad habits this is very good and for addiction too. I told you restriction is the keyword for HOLD. It will also restrict any addiction. How many words we can add to this CONCEDE? Like CLEAR, HOLD, DIVINE (CONCEDE CLEAR HOLD DIVINE) and so on.


What is the other usage of this switch word in our lives? When you are ignored for promotion, or when you are denied promotion – chant TOGETHER CARE DIVINE.


Some children will not get sufficient marks in the exams and so we go for revaluation. CARE DIVINE will be of useful in such life situations.

Mantra for Good Speech

Chant the mantra, OM VACHASPATHAYE NAMAHA, which will activate the Throat Chakra. Vachaspathaye means Guru. “I prostrate to the lord of speech” is the meaning of this mantra.