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Bring miracle into your life


To have miracles in life, “BRING PRAISE DIVINE”

Everybody needs not just solutions for physical problems, but need them for life and mind too. So I am suggesting you this.

This combination will manifest miracles.

When miracles happen, we will be praising isn’t it?

When nothing happens to you, you will have resentment, anger and will be criticizing others.

Instead of criticizing, when you chant PRAISE, the switch word tells your mind, ‘Stop being critical and wait for the miracle to happen’.

You can keep on saying these switch words without specifying what miracle you want.

Explanation from the Mind-Body Mystified II Manual

BRING: Manifest; Create; generate; attract; cause

DIVINE: Miraculously

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Switch onto Radio


I want to share an experience.

Today, due to some mechanical problem I lost all FM channels in my mobile. I tried for at least 20 minutes to get it fixed, but failed. Again after 2 hours I checked, but it was the same condition.

I chanted REACH DIVINE to regain FM channels. I was amazed to see that all channels were there as before.

Switch to Self-Care

Study CARE

CARE means to be careful. CARE will make the person study well, and observe well.

SLOW CARE is the switch word for children. You can make a big poster of SLOW CARE and paste it in the children’s room. Then he will study well. By this both concentration and memory will improve. CARE – will improve memory and SLOW – will improve concentration.

HOLD on to Good Behavior

For hyper active child, chant HOLD CONCEDE.  HOLD means restrict, and CONCEDE means surrender.

For children who do not listen to the parents, CONCEDE … (name of the child). HOLD also means going/moving in the right direction, orderliness in addition to restriction. So for such children, who do not listen to their parents, chant the name of child and say CONCEDE HOLD. If you want you can also add DIVINE to that combination (CONCEDE HOLD DIVINE).


To make a person moral, CONCEDE HOLD DIVINE CORAL. CORAL (gem stone) means moral. CORAL can be used as a switch word, meaning moral. If we use this word CORAL, the person will become 100% moral. No doubt about it. Even after doing this if that person does not become moral, let him not change. So, leave him alone.


Even for bad habits this is very good and for addiction too. I told you restriction is the keyword for HOLD. It will also restrict any addiction. How many words we can add to this CONCEDE? Like CLEAR, HOLD, DIVINE (CONCEDE CLEAR HOLD DIVINE) and so on.


What is the other usage of this switch word in our lives? When you are ignored for promotion, or when you are denied promotion – chant TOGETHER CARE DIVINE.


Some children will not get sufficient marks in the exams and so we go for revaluation. CARE DIVINE will be of useful in such life situations.

Mantra for Good Speech

Chant the mantra, OM VACHASPATHAYE NAMAHA, which will activate the Throat Chakra. Vachaspathaye means Guru. “I prostrate to the lord of speech” is the meaning of this mantra.