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Bring miracle into your life


To have miracles in life, “BRING PRAISE DIVINE”

Everybody needs not just solutions for physical problems, but need them for life and mind too. So I am suggesting you this.

This combination will manifest miracles.

When miracles happen, we will be praising isn’t it?

When nothing happens to you, you will have resentment, anger and will be criticizing others.

Instead of criticizing, when you chant PRAISE, the switch word tells your mind, ‘Stop being critical and wait for the miracle to happen’.

You can keep on saying these switch words without specifying what miracle you want.

Explanation from the Mind-Body Mystified II Manual

BRING: Manifest; Create; generate; attract; cause

DIVINE: Miraculously

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My mind is not stable even for 10 minutes


I was doing EFT but found it difficult in public and sometimes not working.

I asked the Universe to give me some easier solutions to my problems and I came through this website.

I get uncontrollable negative thoughts all throughout the day, either of the past or future and can never stay in the present.

I get unwanted thoughts about people, situations, and circumstances of the past or future.

If any new thing I have to do in the next moment, then I view it negatively first.

It is hard to believe but I get around a 100 thoughts per minute.


Chant the switch words, “CONCEDE CLEAR CANCEL DIVINE ON”


Concede Clear Cancel: to remove (CLEAR) the mental debris (unwanted stuff). This is good especially before going to sleep as it clears the mind from all worries (CANCEL). It happens when you surrender (CONCEDE)

On: to move on with life with the help of DIVINE (to find a bit of luck and help)

Single, 40F, Looking for a Partner

Ms. A

I am almost 40 years female and still unmarried. Please also tell me how to find the life partner of my choice within a month and get married as soon as possible.


  2. Place your one palm at the forehead and other palm at the back of head and say ‘OM’ seven times.
  3. Then say the following statement 3 times, “Cut the neural path to the cell memory images of being single. Find neural path to the cell memory images of love, light and marriage”.
  4. Then chant OM 7 times.
  5. Repeat the same by keeping your hands on the throat – one palm at the front and other palm at the back of the throat.


What is our memory? It is nothing but Visual and auditory. There are no words.

A reaction happens within seconds to any event. Our brain and nervous system form neural link to these images.

 The emotional reaction of anger comes out after the neural path links to the images of anger that was stored in our cells.

Each cell can carry the entire history of one including that of his parents’, ancestors etc. The retrieval takes one millionth of a second, because of the neural path.

Who is the commander behind this retrieval images? Hypothalamus (in the back of the head) is the commander. When we change the command, the hypothalamus follows ours and accordingly changes the command.