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Work will be done smoothly


I am working in airline operations. Which magic word I should chant for smooth operations with no issues?



An Incredible Story!!!


I have been doing quite well at my job over the past few years. In my opinion, continually doing my best to complete what is asked of me in a timely fashion.

Earlier this year a new boss entered the company. A few months ago, I was assigned to work with him. Much to my dismay the new boss gave me several assignments to do complete all at once and over a period of weeks continuously complained that I was not fast enough and that the team members I was working with were not good at their job. I consider them experts in their field and relied on them heavily.

The boss was generally very negative and working with him dramatically altered my mood. As time went on I started to hear from some of my other managers of his complaints and worried about what they would think about me.  Previously, I had been very highly regarded.

Interestingly, enough his demanding unreasonable ways are not what pushed me to seek help but rather his critical perspective which I found intolerable. Not knowing what to do, I started chanting DIVINE ORDER on my own.

There was some improvement and I started to get more support from my managers. For the most part though, nothing was done about my growing workload. I tried to bear it as best as I could.

Meanwhile the threat of the new boss talking to others behind my back was causing me some serious anxiety. I realized through Naran that I could also chant PRAISE. I want to note that at first things got a little bit worse – several high pressured deadlines etc.

I reached out to Naran again since I didn’t know what else to do…I had tried to accommodate incredibly tight deadlines and it seemed nothing would make this man happy. Naran told me to chant CENTAURY HOLLY PINE. I also added WILLOW based on some advice Naran had previously given me for home related issues.

The pressure came down quite quickly after that! I also noticed that I began to receive PRAISE from so many other places at my job. My other managers even met with me to let me know they realize the situation that I am in and offered to help me manage the intense workload in whatever way they could.

It’s hard to explain how dramatic of a turn around this was.

Also – and best of all there is some distance between my unreasonable boss and myself. He has assigned less and started to appreciate some of the work I have done for him in the past. I have also realized I need to be more compassionate towards him since he was obviously dealing with some stressors which may have caused him to behave this way.

In general I am WAY more relaxed at work which is good for all parties involved.

The chanting provides a mental/emotional shift which changes how you feel about people, situations and things.

Somehow the situation changes for the better. I learned through this situation that there was a pattern on my part regarding a hyper sensitivity to criticism. Instead, of hating him, I can thank my boss for helping me improve myself.  Incredible!!!


Our past is repeated, until we learn our lessons.

DIVINE ORDER: Switch word to turn a situation from Chaos to Normalcy.

PRAISE: A switch word that will make you praised by others.

Centaury, Holly, Pine and Willow are Bach Flower Remedies.

CENTAURY: If you are unable to say no

 HOLLY: To bring down intense rage/anger

PINE: from feeling low to feel good about oneself.

WILLOW: to bring down the resentment and blaming tendency.